Not bad for a first animation
It wasn't bad because there was one giant scene and you designed it pretty nice. When drawing stick figure movies, try to make the background more colorful and rich - that way, you will still have stick figures (which are fairly easy to animate) and a nice background that in your case you only need to draw once and then you are off to animate the stick figure. The animation was pretty nice, you just need some more experience to reach pro levels. I don't know what frame rate you used for this animation, I would say it's the default 12 frames per second. Try setting the frame rate to 20 frames per second or even more - you will have to draw more frames, but it would be worth it because you will get a clean, smooth animation. The sound was okay too. Overall, you have a good idea and so far you've come up with a nice way to make it real. Just keep improving youself and I'm sure you will make better and better animations. Good luck!